
Author: Jonathan Shead

How Expensive is Being Broke?

How expensive is it to be broke? One Detroit’s Will Glover looks into the issue and talks with experts working to lift people out of poverty, as well as those experiencing the added costs of low wages themselves, to learn how better pay can push some farther away from the financial assistance they need.

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Interlochen Celebrates 30 Years of Growth, Diversity

The Interlochen Center for the Arts hosts more than a dozen performances to celebrate the organization’s growth from a summer music program to a global arts and education institution. One Detroit’s Christy McDonalds talks with Interlochen President Trey Devey to discover how completing a 30-year campus master plan has helped the organization evolve.

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12/02/21: One Detroit – Social Safety Nets, Interlochen Arts, Struggling Small Businesses, Men of Change

On this episode of One Detroit: Will Glover explores how COVID-19 has impact social safety net programs and those living in poverty. Christy McDonalds learns about Interlochen’s 30 years of evolution and expansion. Contributor Nolan Finley hears how small businesses across the state are coping with various challenges. Plus, a look into two initiatives that are helping foster positive conversations about Black men.

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Small businesses coping with challenges ahead of new year

Small Businesses across Michigan are facing challenges on many fronts. From navigating COVID-19 to inflation and workplace changes, some small businesses are struggling to survive. One Detroit contributor Nolan Finley talks with Michigan Small Business Association President Brian Calley about what these businesses are doing to cope with the challenges.

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Museum Exhibit, Barbershop Challenge Promotes Positive Conversations About Black Men

Two renowned Detroit institutions, the Charles H. Wright Museum and Ford Motor Company, are helping change the narrative around Black men. Through the museum’s traveling exhibit “Men of Change: Power. Triumph. Truth.” and Ford’s Men of Courage initiative, the Detroit Barbershop Challenge was born, and it’s helping foster positive conversations about Black Men in the community.

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